Currently, Eric
Chu, the Android Group Manager at Google, shared some clues about the upcoming
feature offered by Android, the in-app payments. It was supposed to launch in
the final quarter of 2010, but apparently the developers were too busy with the
Android holiday applications and they seemed can’t handle to test the in-app
payments before it launches on market. But this year, they will give what they
have promised by launching it just in three months from now. It surely becomes
one of the most wanted features by all Android phone users worldwide. They may
find what they have looking for to ease their need when they use available
applications provided in the Android phone.
According to Chu, preparing for the in-app payments is quite a hard
job since it needs to be ensured that it will benefit all the Android phone and
device users. Main feature from the in-app payment is the carrier billing which
has becoming a standard in Google Checkout. It is created based on purpose to
ease the user to pay for any billing of applications they use. Well, will it be
just like we expect? Guess we only can wait for the answer within three months.