Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rumour Around the HTC Inspire 4G

A lot of rumours say some smart phones from AT&T including HTC Inspire 4G is still using the old 3G system. Well, is it actually true or is it just a rumour? Guess we still need to hear the official statement from the company and to look at the phone by ourselves to find the true answer. We don’t have to wait too long because some say that the phone will be soon out in the market this March.

Perhaps, it’s never wrong to at first take a look at the features provided by this HTC Inspire 4G so we will be able to take good decision whether we will get a hand in it or not when it’s finally launched. It will come with big and fancy touch screen of 4.3 inches with display of 480 X 900 pixels. It will be operated by using system from Android of 2.2. Just like any other HTc phones, this one will come with 1 GHz of processor from Adreno.

The last one we need to discuss are its input features. Wel, it actually has the same input features with HTC Evo Shift 4G. And as we speak about the features, we will soon wonder will HTC Inspire 4G  really come with 4G system or not.