Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chevron Updater Withdrawal: A Failure?

It’s never a good sign when a company sends out update and – what’s meant to be – good news about their system and then turns out to be a big mistake and failure. That’s exactly what’s happening to Chevron Updater.

Some people found it quite strange to find the developer posted the updater and then it was already removed in the afternoon. Some questions are answered when the team from Windows later on posted an announcement concerning the updater and the reason why it was removed and withdrawn. It seems that there’re some minor problems concerning the system, with some misplaced issue. However, a lot of people speculated and suspected that they system isn’t actually ready to launch, and that’s why it causes some issues when installed. Some even stated that maybe the system hasn’t been tested – or hasn’t gone through the right testing method, at least. Although both Windows and the developers deeply apologized for what happened and promised to give out updates concerning the system, it seems that the system won’t be available any time soon and may not be able to get updates.

Although it may seem disappointing, the news doesn’t affect much people since not many of them use Chevron Updater system. For them, there’re various and many other systems available out there.