Android lovers and other smartphone users might be familiar
with Angry Birds game application. The game is fun and cool; there’re even
short movie version and trailers for the game available. Everything about the
game and all the birdie characters are funny and enjoyable.
Android users may have enjoyed the privilege of playing the
new version of Angry Bird, the Angry Bird Rio. It’s available for free – for
now – but users have guessed that the free game won’t last long. Somehow, it
will only last for about several weeks or months, at least. Although there have
been several websites provide the hacked version – the official free version
will be available soon through Amazon’s
Appstore this week. It seems that some
things will never change. Regular and seasonal games – no matter if they’re
available with free versions – will always be available through Amazon since
the place is quite popular among game manufacturers and lovers. After all, the
place likes to offer lower price and discounts for some popular games.
So, anyone interested in having the game application for free
should go to Amazon right away before it’s too late and they finally have to
pay. Why should they pay if they can get it for free?